I suggest start everyday saying God i am absolutely nothing without you. I can do nothing without you, I lean entirely on you today, I am desperate without your help.
And really no matter how many victories I've had in the past that doesn't guarantee me a victory today. If I'm not leaning God today, lean on God yesterday doesn't help me today. I have to lean on God today. You have weaknesses, you have limitations. God has no limitations, but we have limitations. So you say Lord, I'm weak in this area I need your strength, I believe your changing me everyday, and I'm not going to spend today worrying about what I did wrong yesterday.
I trust you to strengthen me in my weakness, that our weaknesses really don't have to make that much difference if we know how to let God fill our weaknesses with his power. We get to over-rot about what we can't do, and we don't get excited enough about what God can do. You see no matter what you can't do or what I can't do, God can do.
And miracles don't come in can'ts they come in can's. Well we get what we believe for. Let's start believing that the power of God is available to us, to see miracles in our lives and in other peoples lives, we're not going to have miracles if we don't believe for miracles.
We have to believe in the miracle working power of God. When we go to God each day, the right attitude is God. What is it you want me to do? What is my assignment? Not giving God orders telling him what to do. How to do it rather God show me the best path, show me how to overcome this problem, show me how to accomplish my dreams. God wants us to rely on Him, not some formula.
Thinking well if I do this, do that, and do her other then God will bless me. If that's all it took we would't really need God. David understood this principle. In 2nd Samuel 5, He had just been made king over Israel, when the Philistines heard about it, they came down to this valley to attack him.
Before he went to battle, he got quite, and said God what do you want me to do. He was getting his daily direction. He didn't assume because something worked in the past is was going to work right there. He asked a very significant question, God will you hand this enemy over to me. Seem like that would be a given, he was just put in charge of the Israelite's.
God's choose people. Surely God would't let them be defeated, but the fact is were not suppose to fight every battle. David was smart enough to ask, Am I suppose to attack? He was saying God if I go in there, are you going to go with me? He was showing his dependency on God. He recognized where his strength, his favor, his ability came from.
And sometimes we assume if there's an obstacle, there's something trying to stop us. There's no question, get in there and go to battle, God is on our side. But a wiser approach is to say God, what is your plan? How do you want me to respond to this opposition ? Shall I attack? Or shall I be still and let you fight for me?
If I go in God are you going to go with me? We all fought battles were we didn't come out the way we thought, maybe is was because we didn't inquire of the Lord. Verse 19 goes on to say, the lord said to David, go for I will surly hand the Philistines over to you. Once he got clear direction, once he knew he had God's blessing he went down there and defeated the Philistines.
But if we would do like David and inquire of the Lord, before we get into conflict, before we make big decision. Go to God for daily direction. It would save us a lot of heartache and pain. I've learned what God orders he will pay for. but God is not obligated to bring victory to battles that were not suppose to be in. And God is merciful and he'll help us, but it's much better to inquire of the Lord before you made important decisions.
He doesn't want you to get hooked on a formula, he want't you to to be hooked on him. When you develop this habit of going to God for your daily bread, daily direction, saying God , how do you want me to respond? How should I deal with this situation in my health, my finances? God give me your wisdom your insight, your favor. That's how God will lead you down the best path for you life!