God wants to use you, he has an intention in mind for your life, whether to make an impact through your career or preach the gospel to the far end earth or in any other way as he has deemed fit. He wants to use you.However, even with this, not all men are used by God. This is because anyone who will be used by God will be tested and not all pass the test.
As the bible says, "many are called but few are chosen". The truth is the call of God will cost you and not many are able to bear the cost. Every man has walked with God may have faced various tests before they are used by God. Faith itself is a test of your trust in God because it calls for total dependency on God, trusting that he will bring the best out of whatever situation you are faced with.
A certain young man wanted to follow Jesus be one of his disciples but he asked for permission to first bury a relative Jesus told him to let the dead bury their dead. At that moment he was tempted to whether choose between the love of his relatives and the worry about the opinion of men or to follow Jesus. A young rich also came to Jesus and asked him what the greatest commandment was, Jesus said told him what it was, then later asked him to sell all his property, give it to the poor and follow him.
The rich man left sad. both men were tested before they could become disciples of Jesus. In order for you to be used by God, you may go through tests and it is important you are aware of these tests. Abraham faced different tests in his walk with God. God wanted to use Abraham to raise a nation that fit himself which is set apart and to use his descendants to birth the Messiah.
This came at a price. The first test Abraham faced was that God instructed him to leave his family and the land he knew to go to a land he would show him. Abraham was quite mature in age at that time and so he probably had some property on that land that he could not take along and he could not take his family along.
This could have been difficult for him because he would not have been understand by his family and they did not even know where he was going, yet Abraham obeyed God and he received many covenants from God as a result of his obedience. The greatest test Abraham must have faced was the test of his son Isaac.
He had to walk many years to receive his son Isaac who God has promised him, his wife and himself were far along in years and Isaac was a miracle baby. I imagine that Abraham must have doted so much on Isaac. However, God instructed him one day to take Isaac and sacrifice him to God. Abraham was to kill the son he waited many years for, his consolation, and the physical evidence of the promise he received.
Yet Abraham took Isaac to the mountain and was going to sacrifice him, he must have been overcome with grief, yet he chose to obey God. God stopped him from giving his son as a sacrifice and gave him an animal to sacrifice instead. Abraham's heart and sincerity had been tested but he passed.
He was used greatly by God and he is called the father of faith. There are many other people who went through many tests before they were used. god will not just you, you need to be trustworthy, the agenda for god is beyond your life alone and if you make a mistake it may harm many others as well. This is why you will go through tests that will prove your faith.
God does not tempt us but he tests us. the end of a test is so that your faith may grow stronger and that you may rely more on God. Now to the five ways God test you before using you:
-he test you through your desires and whatever you love the most:
God may test you through your desires and what you love most. When you receive what you love most God may ask you to submit it to him. This is a great test because it will take a stretch in your trust in God and because God may not give any explanation. It may be just anything and he may cause you to let it go to see who you love most himself or whatever your desire is.
-Another way God test us is by grating our desire:
how would we act when we receive what we really love? Would we still love God or will our love for that thing consume us? God gave Abraham a son after many years of waiting but asked him to sacrifice his son in order to know if the son had taken the place of God in his heart.
For many of us, mundane things have so filled us with pleasure that they have become like a good in our hearts. If we are to walk with God and be used by him, no other god must exist in our hearts. Anything can become a God, your favorite television show, your work or any other thing as long as you give that thing priority over God in your life, that thing is a god.
-Another way God tests you is by giving you instructions:
He uses this test your obedience. It may be a random instruction that does not make meaning to you and it maybe an instruction that will cause you to sacrifice what you love. Many times God's instructions may not even come with explanations and so you may not understand the justification for the instruction yet it is important that you obey him because that will build your trust in him.
No matter how hard is seems obedience is always worth it. The price of disobedience is missing out on God's will. God may not use you if you have shown you are disobedient. If you are not obedient now that he has not used you then there is no assurance you will be obedient when he uses you.
Also, to be used by God you have to follow his instructions because it is in his instructions that you find your miracles. Many of the miracles Jesus performed had instructions carried out before they happened and some of these instructions may not look so important. However, it is in obeying these instructions that the suck got held.
An example was the blind man that Jesus asked to wash his eyes at the pool of shalom, immediately he obeyed the instructions for his sight. Your miracles may be waiting in the instructions you have received.
-He tests you by committing little to your hands:
God may test you by committing little in your hands. The Bible says that "he who is faithful in little shall have much added to him". If you can not be faithful with little things then you will absolutely fail when God places great things in your hands. This is why God observes how you handle the little things to see if you can handle the big things.Faithfulness is a virtue needed by those who will be used by God and it can only be tested by committing little in your hands. So, do not despise the little things, they determine your future. David did well in taking care of his father's flock, it was easier for him to handle leadership because he learned a lot from that.
Joseph could easily manage the resources of Egypt because he had managed the resources in Potiphar's home earlier. What you are doing now may not seem important but it may affect your future.
-He tests you by making you go through difficult situations:
God may test you by making you go through difficult situations to see if you will still stand for him even when it is hard. Your Heart and motivation can be revealed when you face suffering. If you give up on God then you will have failed the test. Your difficult situation may simply be a test to see what is in your heart because God is truly interested in your motive.
-He tests you by giving you a certain level of comfort and wealth:
God may test you by giving you a measure of wealth in order to see if you will turn your back on him simply because you are comfortable. This is also a test of your heart to see if God will still be the priority when your needs are satisfied. It is when you pass this test that more can be added to you.